I have a question for fan experts.
I have two Evercool EC12025 (EC12025H12BP) fans. They are 12V, 120x25mm, 2300 RPM and dual ball bearing. These are old and I did reach out to Evercool last week for comment, but they haven't replied.
The reason I emailed them, and what I'm asking here, is that they are not identical. I know that sometimes changes are made to products, so maybe these changes are just part of the product's evolution.
One didn't have the RPM marked, so I tested them and both were a bit over 2300 RPM after warming up. The blades are slightly different and the frames are, too. It doesn't matter from which side you look at them - the differences are visible. Since they bear the same model number (EC 12025) and the same number on the hub (F-EC12025H12BP), and even the same bar code (4-711158195741). I hope that Evercool will clarify for me why there are two different models? I'm going to release a video about them, and I'd love to have input from Evercool.
Fan 2: The other has a velocity of 3.62 m/s and flow of 3.99 CMS. The rounded struts go from the hub to the inside of the frame's ring, where there is a bit extra reinforcement of the connection, the leading tip is slightly blunted and the trailing edge is 1mm thick. The 4 sides are symmetrical. The indicators of rotation and flow are on the OPPOSITE side of the frame from where the wires exit.
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If it'll be helpful, I can post larger images. Any thoughts on the variances would be interesting. Thanks!