GIBON Ransomware Decryptor Logo

GIBON Ransomware Decryptor Download

License: Free
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/Windows 10
32-bit program. Can run on both a 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
File Size: 352 KBs
Downloads: 17,594
Last Updated: 11/15/18 02:40:17 AM EST

Screenshots for GIBON Ransomware Decryptor

BleepingComputer Review:

GibonDecryptor is a ransomware decryptor created by Michael Gillespie that decrypts files encrypted by the GIBON Ransomware. Using this decryptor, victims can recover their files for free without having to pay a ransom.

More information about the GIBON Ransomware can be found at this url: GIBON Ransomware Being Distributued by Malspam.

For help using this decryptor, you can post in the GIBON Ransomware Support & Help topic.

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