• StupidDecryptor Logo


    StupidDecryptor is a ransomware decryptor created by Michael Gillespie that decrypts files encrypted by various screenlockers that are fairly easy to decrypt. Using this decryptor, victims can recover their files for free without having to pay a ransom.

    • Total Downloads: 32,172
    • Downloads last week: 72
    •   May 09, 2017
  • Offline CryptoMix Ransomware Decryptor Logo

    Offline CryptoMix Ransomware Decryptor

    Avast released a decryptor for CryptoMix victim's that were encrypted while in offline mode. Offline mode is when the ransomware runs and encrypts a victim's computer while there is no Internet connection or the computer cannot connect to the ransomware's Command & Control server.

    • Total Downloads: 13,258
    • Downloads last week: 9
    •   March 08, 2017
  • RakhniDecryptor Ransomware Decryptor Logo

    RakhniDecryptor Ransomware Decryptor

    RakhniDecryptor is a general purpose ransomware decryptor created by Kaspersky Labs. Instead of creating a separate decryptor for each ransomware infection, they created on decryptor that can handle a variety of different families.

    • Total Downloads: 20,691
    • Downloads last week: 25
    •   March 08, 2017
  • CryptON Ransomware Decryptor Logo

    CryptON Ransomware Decryptor

    If you are infected with the CryptON Ransomware, then you are in luck. Emsisoft was able to figure out a way to decrypt files encrypted by this ransomware so victims can get their files back for free.

    • Total Downloads: 11,808
    • Downloads last week: 9
    •   March 08, 2017
  • Crypt38Decrypter Logo


    Crypt38Decrypter is a free decryption program created by Michael Gillespie for the Crypt38 Ransomware. Using this decryptor a victim of the Crypt38 Ransomware can decrypt their files for free without having to pay the ransom. If you need help using this decryptor you can ask in the Crypt38 Help & Support Topic.

    • Total Downloads: 16,168
    • Downloads last week: 3
    •   January 17, 2017
  • BitStakDecrypter Logo


    BitStakDecrypter is a free decryption program created by Michael Gillespie for the BitStak Ransomware. Using this decryptor a victim of the BitStak Ransomware can decrypt their files for free without having to pay the ransom.

    • Total Downloads: 9,523
    • Downloads last week: 18
    •   January 17, 2017
  • AlphaDecrypter Logo


    AlphaDecryptor is a free decryption program created by Michael Gillespie for the Alpha Ransomware. Using this decryptor a victim of the Alpha Ransomware can decrypt their files for free without having to pay the ransom. 

    • Total Downloads: 72,965
    • Downloads last week: 170
    •   January 17, 2017
  • Unlock92Decrypter Logo


    Unlock92 Decrypter is a free decryption program created by Michael Gillespie for the Unlock92 Ransomware. Using this decryptor a victim of the Unlock92 Ransomware can decrypt their files for free without having to pay the ransom.

    • Total Downloads: 9,211
    • Downloads last week: 13
    •   January 17, 2017
  • Hidden Tear Decrypter Logo

    Hidden Tear Decrypter

    Hidden Tear Decrypter is a free decryption program created by Michael Gillespie that allows you to decrypt files encrypted by Hidden Tear Ransomware variants. As many of the decrypters released by the ransomware devs themselves do not work properly or may be unsafe, you can use this decryptor to decrypt your files instead.

    • Total Downloads: 29,700
    • Downloads last week: 105
    •   December 17, 2018
  • Hidden Tear BruteForcer Logo

    Hidden Tear BruteForcer

    The Hidden Tear BruteForcer is a program created by Michael Gillespie that can be used to brute force the password for ransomware infections that are part of the Hidden Tear family of infections.  Using an encrypted PNG file, the decryptor can generate the decryption that can then be used to decrypt the rest of your files.

    • Total Downloads: 16,790
    • Downloads last week: 16
    •   January 17, 2017
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