I recently migrated from Win10 pro to Win11. Initially I thought the migration process went smoothly. Then I had a problem with 'preview feature updates' displaying this message >> "security updates fail to install: "Something didn't go as planned. No need to worry – undoing changes. Please keep your computer on". I reinstalled Win11 again this time from a bootable USB, still the problem persisted. I then done a Basic install of Win11, no apps, just kept folders only. Still the problem persisted! I then came across 'Sergiu Gatlan' >> article > https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-february-2024-updates-fail-to-install-with-0x800f0922-errors/. Temporarily moving the 'C:\$WinREAgent' hidden folder to the recycle bin completely cured this issue. Of course MS is fully aware of this and will (sometime whenever) issue a fix.