My accountant has adopted a system called Safesend for electronically exchanging documents. A quick web search will show that this is marketed to, and widely used by, CPA firms. It claims to be secure. The way it works (to download; I’m not sure what the upload process is) is the firm sends you an email with a link. When you click on the link, the system emails you a 6 digit code and a screen comes up waiting for you to enter the code. When you enter the code the document appears. We all know that email is not secure. With both the link and the code being emailed in the clear, this seems completely insecure to me. Plus, with only a 6-digit code instead of a long password, even if a hacker doesn’t get the second email, I would think they can easily crack a 6 digit code. I would appreciate any thoughts about how secure/insecure this system is. If it’s as bad as I think it is, any way to get some media or other attention on this, given how widely used it is? Thanks.