I purchased some RAM (DDR3) for my Windows 7, namely 16 GB's (4x4). On one of the modules, there are 'rust spots' > Holes at the end of RAM. The seller on Ebay said they were 'new'. However, I'm skeptical when there is rust. Actually, I took out two of my 2 GB Samsung RAM modules and there is 'rust' in the same location. The RAM is about ten years old or more, never been changed.
A picture is enclosed with Red Arrows denoting the location, showing the rust. Actually, what are those holes for? And, is this RAM 'new'? They're from China as no one has DDR3 RAM. All replies are appreciated.
* As a side note, if one looks closely to the RAM with the 'rust' spots, there are white numbers at the bottom left {8040 05/6} "Just below the White Label". Those numbers are not on the other RAM that was sent.
Edited by Synoptic12, Today, 07:02 PM.