'I'm willing to spend a grand or more. maybe around 2 grand tops but that's the absolute limit.'
You can get a great desktop with all the bays for those drives built for that amount of money. Case or chassis selection is the first step in your build - with an ODD bay and many HDD bays is the case you need.
Also seriously consider the nmve drives - you could get up to 4 on the motherboard (including the main drive) to give fast drives without needing many HDD bays.
Some ATA motherboards can offer 4 SATA ports, so you could install 4 HDD and even if there aren't enough bays, just basically duct tape the extras drives to some place solid and that works too. Kind of a hick or mickey mouse approach, but it does work.
There probably are small computer shops near you that will build your desktop.
Edited by 0lds0d, 20 August 2023 - 01:40 AM.